
Portability is the ability of a family to move with its tenant based voucher from the jurisdiction of one Housing Authority (HA) to that of another.


If you are already in the Housing Choice Voucher Program and want to transfer to Chesapeake, VA, please submit a Request to Transfer to your current housing authority. If the staff there determines that you are eligible for transfer, they will forward your portability package to CRHA. Once you know that they have sent your package to us, please contact or office to schedule an appointment. 

When requesting a transfer to Chesapeake, please provide your current housing authority with the following information:
Chesapeake Redevelopment & Housing Authority
1468 S. Military Highway
Attn: HCV Department
Phone: (757) 233-6420
Fax: (757) 523-1601
Email:  HCVportables@crhava.org


You must notify your case manager and your landlord, 60 days in advance of your lease expiration date.
You must be in good standing with the terms of your lease including current in your rent account.
You must schedule an appointment for a port-out briefing.

The family must be in good standing with their current landlord and CRHA will verify the same in writing to the landlord. 

The family must be reissued a new housing choice voucher and the new unit must pass inspection before moving to another unit.